When God created dog He didn’t make a mistake by spelling His own name backwards. A dog has the same unconditional love as God. A dog has the same forgiving nature as God. A dog has the same loyalty as God. A dog has the same agape love as God. Agape love is the highest form of love; unconditional love, forever forgiving love, love without requirements; Agape love is considered to be the love originating form God or Christ for humankind.
I watched a movie about a man who found a dog at the train station he took daily for work. He decided to keep him. They spent lots of time together developing their relationship. As the puppy grew he would escape the back yard to follow the man to the train station. There he would wait for the man to return in the evening. Finally the man decided to allow the dog to follow him to the train station and the dog would return home on his own or visit around. As the story goes the man suffered a fatal brain aneurysm at work and did not return to the station one day.; the dog remain faithful and waited at the station for his owner. Day in and day out the dog waited for his owner. The family tried to get him to leave the station but the dog would not leave. This went on for years. He waiting over 9 years for his owners return; he waited till he passed away himself. By the way this was based on a true story. The dogs legacy is his loyalty. But I feel the lesson in his behavior is that his love for his master was so great it gave him hope daily that his master would return to him. Again agape love that dogs show us and that they are capable of is an amazing example of God’s love.
God’s love for us is so strong that He waits patiently for us in the hope that we will come to Him or return to Him. God’s grace is the force that gives us the power to activate our faith.
The dog never gave up on his owner. And God will never give up on us. His love for us keeps hope alive for us.
Great is thy faithfulness! Romans 8:35 “Who shall separate us from the love of Christ” Lamentations 3:23 They are new every morning: great is your faithfulness. God’s love goes way beyond any human love you have ever experienced! People may come and go from your life, but God is always with you. He will never leave you nor forsake you. Human love may be conditional, but God’s love is supernatural: it is unconditional, and it knows no limits. There is nothing you can do to earn His love, and nothing you can do to stop His love.